Love Chemicals: Pea, Dopamine, Oxytocin, And Norepinephrine

When humans are in love, four chemicals work in the brain making the smitten fellows euphoric.

1. Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a natural amphetamine that expedites the flow of information between nerve cells.It contributes to the feeling of being on top of the world when you are infatuated and help you stay up all night thinking of that person.

2.Dopamine (the feel-good chemical) is one of the neurochemical substances released by PEA.It is a naturally-produced chemical that serves as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and a neurohormone released by the hypothalamus.It is a natural stimulant that gives ecstasy, focused attention, motivation and goal-oriented behavior.

3.Oxytocin (the cuddle chemical) is produced through the stimulation of dopamine.

This chemical makes people calmer and more sensitive to the feelings of others.It makes people want to cuddle and may also induce high quality REM sleep.

4.Norepinephrine (a euphoria-inducing chemical) stimulates the production of adrenaline and makes the heart race fast along with increased blood pressure when near the person you’re in love with.


These four love chemicals- phenylethylamine, dopamine, oxytocin, and norepinephrine cause people who are in love to be out of human reality.The effects of these love chemicals make people so happy that they become impractical and silly.That’s why a pretty good girl will fall for an ugly bad guy.That’s why a smart filthy rich career woman will give up all her fortunes for a blatant con man.

Blame the love chemicals for the stubbornness of people who are in love.As long as these chemicals are manipulating a person’s brain, it is useless to convince him or her to drop this madness.It takes 6 months to 3 years before these chemicals stop bothering the brain of someone who is in love.So, the best thing to do is just to wait till the madness is gone. 

Article Written by Conviron Pucate Altatis

There are many things that I love. Films, documentaries, music and mixed martial arts are among them and I love writing about them. I hope you love reading about them, too.

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